Christmas has already been gone. But let me tell you something, Christmas is about 3 things. Him, Giving and Family. HIM, Christmas is a great opportunity for us to share what has God done. He has sacrificed himself to redeem and win us from sin. He himself, become a man in order to become a sacrifice. The lamb that will take away the sins of the world and defeat death. Sin is equal to death, so he has defeated sin. So Christmas is a reminder for us that the lord is so good that he gave us his only begotten son. 2nd, Giving. Do you why the Jordan river is one of the richest rivers in Israel or in Egypt? Because it gives and gives contrast to red sea where it takes and takes. So this year, Christmas is for us to give. Give what we have and give more because we know the feeling of having none. Giving is something we don't need to do only on the holidays but it should and it could be done on every month. So ask yourself, what can I give today so that I can help s...
This Blog is not for Finance only. I would try and make it my best to give my holistic approach to giving my opinions, perspective and witty paradigm ideas. is for people who want insight about saving, about personal finance, kinds of business, about Faith and Spiritual matters. This page encompasses as well both my experiences and day to day struggle with things and stuff. But primarily this page is for inciting inspiration and aspiration.