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what do you want to be when you grow up?

Have you ever wondered that when your young, you were asked what do you want to be when you grow up?

This is the first question that your teacher may ask you.

Basically, the reason behind about this question is they want you to establish your Goal as early as possible, what you envisioned yourself past 10 years ago and the decision your Brain make is what may become of you. but I guess as they said you past isn't the definition of your future.

Your past isn't necessarily your future, it may vary along the way. Your Perception, Goals, and Character may change along the way.

Okay, let's stop.

Have you asked yourself about this question lately? I remember reading the question from Robert Kiyosaki book the same question.

And it hit me, what do I want to be when I grow up? Clearly, Kiyosaki wants to be rich so he did.

But for me? this question haunted me every day since reading it. And I kept asking myself that question.

 I never thought for a second what path should walk on?

because when I was a child, my Goal keeps on changing. Do you know the feeling that you wanted so many things fruitful to happen in your life but there is the what if's and buts that keeps you from doing so?

My first vision of myself was to be a Doctor, but I have scratched the idea because I became fascinated by technology and advancement. What happened was, I became to shift my attention to something else. So forth and so on. until one day I need to pick Course, I would enter into college.

but I remember that my loved of technology and the science behind it was the prime thing that dominated, so I picked I.T., moreover, I also thought to myself that this course would be wonderful for me, aside from that it pays well. It is also needed in the society right now.

Moving forward, what I really loved about is gaining information.

and I've found why?

It is because it is associated with my character, wanting to know more about what is what. wanting to gain knowledge that might benefit me, It gave me the growth mindset. Benefiting me from my career, family, relationship, and wealth.

Bottomline, From asking that Question it became clear what path I should walk on. But still, I am always open to any path or direction that would help me shorten the road to my end goal.

So what do you wanna be when you Grow up?



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