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What makes a Great leader?

For a century we have looked up to many people in search of what is Leadership?

Let me tell you something leaders are not born but made.

It is something we and you can learn. But let me point out something in order to lead you to need to know to obey first and be led by others.

And you know what? it is vexing a lot of people what is leadership all about?


Let me take the subject in half.

Have you ever wonder what is leadership are not all about?

Well, Leadership is not about having INFLUENCE. at first, i thought it too because it is what John Maxwell is saying but the term to influence is too general. when we say to influence, it kinda meant to inspire others to push themselves to the limit in order to accomplish one GOAL. Not just short term but a long-term one. It is about a GREATER GOOD.

It is not about the number of followers you have, Leadership is about multiplication and division. Leaders are those who can teach others so that they can be leaders as well.

It is nothing to do with seniority or titles, even though you have a great title it doesn't mean you have leadership. Anyone can lead by example and inspire people to do the same.

It is nothing to do with personal attributes, Have you heard of Rodrigo Duterte Leadership? well, that's a good example that leadership doesn't involve with attribute because you can lead a nation even though your leadership is somewhat orthodox or you have attributes that will have people hate you a little. What matter is that he/she can lead and without a blink of an eye, people will follow.

It is not about managing, well Leaders are not often managers however in the business world managerial skill is an important thing, however, we must accept that leadership is not management. it a two different category, Well in business leadership it something use differently, however, we need to keep in mind is not about management. IT is about LEADING.


Leadership is about:

Self-awareness/Self-assessment, he/she must be wary of every action and things he does. because his/her best reflection is his/her work or what he/she does beyond his/her capability

Communication/Social Awareness, he/she must establish a line of awareness through his/her colleague or workmates. Communication is the number one key and the most essential to being a leader. translating a complex thing into a simple thing takes skill and knowledge.

 Vision and Goal Setting.
A leader must have a vision of what he/she is doing. without one, your like a sailor sailing to the unknown because you don't have any destination and a map.

Lastly, Leadership is about motivating others. It is about inspiring others. Because leadership is a process of social influence which MAXIMIZE the efforts of others toward the achievement of a greater GOOD.



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