What is Manning up? Or man up?
The urban dictionary defines it as to fulfill your responsibilities as a man, despite your insecurities and constant ability to place yourself in embarrassing and un-manly scenarios.
And in my definition, it is just Suck it up, Shut up, Put up and Do it. It means we go and lead. We go and Work. We go and provide. This is the place where our insecurities, inconvenience and outside our comfort zone is.
But in spite of this, you are willing. Meaning you decided to do it anyway in spite of any circumstances.
Some of the hardest parts of doing this are staying within the confines of the wisdom that the BIBLE gives us.
As the book by Dennis Sy says in it that to "Act Like a Man" is to live a life of consistency wherein you adhere what the Bible teaches us.
Later on, he challenges men not just to post things around on their twitter, FB or IG but as well to put it into action.
He ponders in this book that men are not just provider in terms of wealth but it is a whole wherein we should be the first to do things that our family may not take the lead. We must lead our family in prayer, Study, and community.
As I going to continue about this topic, which is closest to my heart. Men should look for their BAND OF BROTHERS where they can come as they are.
Because some of the hardship that men faces are being alone on things that they can only do. They are capable of doing it. however, this is a hoax. If you think you are the only person capable of doing it, think again. The stone wall that Nehemiah overseer to build is not a self-effort but a group effort. So in every way, the things we think we are capable of are the things that we really need brothers to help us stand up if we are to fall.
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