There is a very fine line on this Subject. I would suggest that everyone open their minds to this topic. Our mind is like a Parachute, it works when open right?
One in my entire life I considered Money as the root of evilness to all men because it costs many horrible things to many people. It can even break up a relationship or family.
However, Money is just an idea. So I become to think it over if money is evil. why so many good people don't turn to evil or greedy?
in fact, they want to gain more so that they could give more. okay maybe some of you would agree with me or some of you wouldn't testify to me. let's put it this way if you don't have money what can you give? I am not saying that you can't give your time and effort to those who need you most but.
Most things require money, Correct? Okay, let me get back to the money being an idea. Before we the dawn of using money were are bartering. It is a system where you exchange something(Goods or Service) for something else.
but at some point in history money were introduced, using Gold, Silver, and copper for the exchange of goods and services.
So Money is not the ROOT of evil, for me, it depends on people how money can turn them into something but little greed is not bad and in fact. It is encouraging, Why? because it can drive us to do more and to have more.
But Dude, it is said in the bible that love for money is the root of all evil(not the actual verse). okay, let me expound and explain the verse. It is the love of money that makes us evil. meaning TOO much is not GOOD. but TOO less is also BAD. so it should be balanced, that we don't let our emotion control us over money. because money is just a medium or a tool that we used.
So what you do with your money reflects your character, personality, and attitude towards it. It also dictates your future in every aspect. this is why the Poor and the Middle class thinks that Rich people are greedy and that they should give more. Now, this mentality is like the Robin Hood mentality that we think that the rich should give more.
Okay, I will give you the perspective of this classes. this class type would eager ask the rich to give more because they are not content and little lazy. they don't want to work more for them to have more. Their mindset is being complacent, that is why when jealousy hits them, this mentality would break out of them(Yes, the Robinhood mentality is what I am pertaining).
One more thing, Media reflects that the rich being greedy and being the villain(not all movies, but most of them). when in fact it is becoming a stereotype to all. Because not all Rich people are GREEDY. yes, they are greedy(not too much) but not to the point that it may cost compromises.
The Rich would also view this classes as Greedy.because they would think that these people are lazy when in fact most of the time this person work so hard in their life. but it is not being smart.
what do I mean, the difference between this classes is how they put their work out there. Working smart mean working hard and smart. Working hard is just working with too much effort.
On this reason why the clashes of classes would incur. but if you decide to be Rich that's a choice and also staying that way.
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