What is success to you?
So what is success? Success is a very definitive word.
It can mean differently to every people. the success you consider today may not be the
success you want tomorrow.
Get my drift?
Success is something is achievable, with the right amount of patience, focus, energy and time.
You can achieve any Goals or Dreams that you are aiming.
The success you might want is either having a Good Career, Abundant Life, and the list continues.
Okay, now we've known that success is very different to every individual.
I wanna slice what makes successful people successful. well the common things that make them
successful in what they are doing or what they wanna achieve is because.
1. Focus
they stay focus at all time, they may get distracted which cannot be helped but they get back
on track and do what they do best. They never let their sight of the price.
2. Mindful
They are mindful in every situation, they always observe and analyze the situation but not too much or
they may end up having analysis paralysis. They analyze the situation and make a solution.
They tend to think first before acting up.
3. Confidence
They are confident but not too confident. they have a certain of confidence that does not
end up as arrogance. their confidence speaks through there work and how they handle the
situation and adversity they would face.
4. Attitude
They have this winning Attitude, where There Grit is the number factor for stating of course.
It is very hard doing and retaining focus if your attitude is not coped up with every adversity
you face. Meaning you need an attitude that when everybody is in doubt, you are the one is
the most positive about it because you have the attitude for winning.
5. Patience
They know that success is not an overnight thing, so they know that they need to wait before it happens.
It is like a tree that needs time to grow in order to achieve its full height and growth.
6. Adapt
They can adapt to any situation and adversity thrown at them
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment. "
-Charles Darwin
So what is success to you?
So what is success? Success is a very definitive word.
It can mean differently to every people. the success you consider today may not be the
success you want tomorrow.
Get my drift?
Success is something is achievable, with the right amount of patience, focus, energy and time.
You can achieve any Goals or Dreams that you are aiming.
The success you might want is either having a Good Career, Abundant Life, and the list continues.
Okay, now we've known that success is very different to every individual.
I wanna slice what makes successful people successful. well the common things that make them
successful in what they are doing or what they wanna achieve is because.
1. Focus
they stay focus at all time, they may get distracted which cannot be helped but they get back
on track and do what they do best. They never let their sight of the price.
2. Mindful
They are mindful in every situation, they always observe and analyze the situation but not too much or
they may end up having analysis paralysis. They analyze the situation and make a solution.
They tend to think first before acting up.
3. Confidence
They are confident but not too confident. they have a certain of confidence that does not
end up as arrogance. their confidence speaks through there work and how they handle the
situation and adversity they would face.
4. Attitude
They have this winning Attitude, where There Grit is the number factor for stating of course.
It is very hard doing and retaining focus if your attitude is not coped up with every adversity
you face. Meaning you need an attitude that when everybody is in doubt, you are the one is
the most positive about it because you have the attitude for winning.
5. Patience
They know that success is not an overnight thing, so they know that they need to wait before it happens.
It is like a tree that needs time to grow in order to achieve its full height and growth.
6. Adapt
They can adapt to any situation and adversity thrown at them
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment. "
-Charles Darwin
So what is success to you?
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