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Why is it that A student works for C student?

Have you read the book of robert kiyosaki pertaining how the A student works for the C Student?

Apparently, the book is half truth in my opinion. Not all A student works for C student.

i think it just a matter of how being smart you are. working smart and not working hard.

Most of this guys who works for the C person are usually complacent, maybe near sighted(we will get to this topic later) or has no correct mindset?

hmmm, Jd. So you are telling me that this are the reasons why those who are top student in school are working to people who are not on top at school?

-answer: yeah, it something to do with DNA(just kidding). But honestly, it something to do with how we are raise. we are told by our parents to STUDY HARD TO HAVE A BETTER JOB. but Job security is a myth. Maybe in their time it looks like a dream come true but as economy changes the  C student who are taught by their parents the principle, habit and lessons on how to be rich are the one that flourish and achieve wealth freedom.

let me break it down.

these students are being complacent because having Good grade gave them promise of having a GOOD JOB or GREAT WORK. correct? having a large or high paycheck gives them the satisfaction to be complacent because they are earning big or just the right amount to live by.

Being complacent puts us in a place where we become tooooooo lazy to explore more and we just crawl under our comfort zone where there is no RISK involve.

Near sighted, maybe at this point you are confuse or wants to show me a 20/20 eye test result but let me explain before you do that.

their VISION of there future is too near. meaning their end goal are usually short but am not referring to all. They lack this VISION of where they want to go. Sometimes their VISION is just climbing the corporate ladder not owning the corporate ladder. if you want to put more time and effort, might as well put it on more worth it thing. Because being on top may cause you a bitter downfall and NOT all people are going to be on top even though you are working on the company in a very long time.

it is like traffic, your car is a mustang or the best model car that money can buy and in front of you is a bus, very old bus. but even though your car is the best and has the speed. You can't move forward because the bus is too slow and blocking you way. So you see climbing the corporate ladder for me take too much effort than building your wealth.

lastly, they have no correct mindset. As i am telling you early on. we are taught to study HARD to have GOOD JOB or GREAT WORK. but the problem about this mindset that it is setting us to be an employee. it is not our fault if we are told by our parents because they too are also told by their parents the same line. Having a CORRECT MINDSET set us to be successful. no matter how good you are at school or bad, no matter how rich or poor you are. the wrong mind set will sucks the life from you because it is becoming a CANCER.



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