I am a young aspiring Entrepreneur and know nothing about handling money but I did my research.
YES, I DID. I am a lazy person but a very iconic man once said, "success never comes indolence" -Mr. Top Ittipat. Doing nothing will not make you closer to your Dreams or Goals.
Okay, every person has His/Her interest to be wealthy but neither wants to change Himself/Herself.
Do you know how hard it is to change? it is a lot!!!
because changing comes from going out your comfort zone or in my terms expanding my comfort zone.
If I am going to assess my life right now, the success I wanted to be at is not near to what I want it to be.
so how in blazing hell am going to do it? hmmm... my first action plan to do two things...
1st is saved an amount of 100k to live a year and do business. I don't know about you guys but this is my end Goal. Still is.
2nd is build up my growth. so where will I find a school or mentorship that will tackle a holistic approach???
well, one of the recommendations of Mr. Robert Kiyosaki according to his Book 21st century business in order to transition your mindset from E/S Quadrant to B/I Quadrant you need to join a Network Marketing company whose interest is for you to grow your business and yourself.
whoa, wait a minute? Did you said Network Marketing?????
so you wanted me to join a scam? and invite people or recruit? that's it? you are a scammer.....
Now before having any violent reaction let's thread this lightly...Joining a Network Marketing business means you need to assess it like in a B/I triangle. Like A real Business.
people who are ignorant or has no knowledge of me will fall into a trap to look only on how to earn or how good the product is. Of course, we want to know how fast we going to earn but that's thinking of a person from an E/S Quadrant. What you should look at is how much will you truly earn in terms of cash flow and growth. Now That's thinking like a person from B/I Quadrant.
But I wanted to add something here folks, you need to look also at the company background. You need to look at it as a long-term, not a short-term so you need to look for a partner that is build to lasts.Though am not saying you should join one like I did but I am glad I did. I have found several key factors that I need to develop in order to develop my mindset into B/I Quadrant. Different Folks with Different stroke, so if you think it would greatly help you then it is up to you.
WARNING A DECISION IS 180 DEGREES, so when you decide to do it there is no quitting nor turning back. But suddenly things may affect you Decision so be careful if you think that joining means one step closer becoming a business person. Think again, yes think again. It is about your mindset.
but people are naturally quitter and whiner so how will you muster up something that will give you the confidence to do it???
simple the answer is to believe, hope and plan.
Believe, because you are handmade by God, therefore, you can defy anything impossible. if anybody can become wealthy why not you?
Hope, When everything fails... always hope for the best because it is part of learning. the outline of doing something is not to quit nor show you are down. always muster that POSITIVITY!
Plan, of course, you will not succeed by just doing it. you need to make a plan and follow it consistently.
So every day counts.!!!!
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