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Batasan San Mateo Road Accident Bubble thought!

Batasan Accident was one of the horrible Road Accident I've ever seen that is caught on a dash cam.

And it got me question my daily existence.

It got me thinking about life.

And of course how the safety measure imposed by the Philippine Government? Does the regulation for safety are being imposed correctly.

It got me thinking that on this life of mine.

We're just smidge or a dot in the universe yet we concern ourselves with things that merely no importance to us.

What I am implying to say is that we concern too much ourselves with things that aren't relevant or significant to us un the 1st place.

Well, Life is important since we have one life so make it count.

Your existence is important, Everybody is unique. No one is a copy of something. You may look like him or her but your personality, struggles and daily experience is different than the other.

Then there's the safety measure that our government may have been missing.

Because one small fault may cause lives and the duterte administration must look at how the government is imposing the safety guidelines for the road, trucks and such accident.

When you've seen that accident, there are too many people around it. Well, people will be people and Filipino's will be filipino's.

But the eye catching to it is to limit the picture taking of the scene and make it as private as possible to the masses. I mean the media is there and it's their job. But I am saying is just to limit not prohibit.

I am not sure how's the response to the authority but I am pretty sure that it's a little late and well it's a little not good. well, the philippines need to invest a lot into this area involving our army into it so that when in time of crisis our army and response unit is equipped on this area. It also makes business sense to invest in such things because it will result that our government can handle even the smallest to the biggest crisis or accident there is.

So there you have it. Please comment below if you have any thought about the accident

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